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I would just check with the office – as long as there are no other guests in the picture, I would think you’d be all right.
Or if you’re staying overnight, you could just get up early – it’s very quiet in the morning, but with great sunshine.
The key thing is to protect the privacy of the other guests.
And I’d be happy to take the pic :)!
That is awesome! This message board has been pretty quiet over the past past year (for obvious reasons.) Glad to see that warmer temperatures and widespread vaccine availability is allowing people to open up and enjoy Sea Mountain. Come say Hi to us – I’ll be wearing an Adidas baseball cap. You can’t miss my gf.
Sorry we’re going to miss you by a week! We’re going weekend of April 24. Just got Vax #2.
Absolutely boomers come. We’ve always found lots of friends in our age-range when we visit – non-body-shaming (I’m a bit “rotund” hahaha), great conversation (if you wanna talk) and other activities (if you would rather not talk :)). Glad you are planning to visit. Mid-week is typically quieter than weekends.
Sorry we won’t be there to greet you – we aren’t returning until April – have fun!
How was the past weekend? We’re planning our next visit, but are thinking about waiting until late March/early April so that the weather was warmer. Did you go on the weekend? About how many people were there?
My gf and I both work in Life Sciences so are fortunate to have bee vaccinated…
Glad you had two fun visits! Yes, Vegas is more “chill”. I think it’s partly due to it being a lot bigger, so people are more spread out. It could also be that there are more “destination visitors”, i.e. they ate in Vegas and want to experience the nude lifestyle. At Desert Hot Springs, people ate coming specifically for SeaMountain. Plus a lot more swingers’ groups come as a group – it’s an inexpensive trip, especially if yoy stay off-property.
Sadly, Vegas is currently closed. I havent heard official news, but there are some references online that they are closed until November. I’m hoping it’s just due to Covid and they are waiting for lots of vaccinations and a buildup of herd immunity.
But it sounds like you had fun in DHS – both watching and being watched. It IS exciting, fun and healthy.
We love SMI! As soon as we leave, we start talking about our next trip. We’ve reduced our trips since Covid, but have been there twice. We trust everyone there +it’s just that someone could carry and transmit Covid without even knowing. So we’ll probably wait until we’re vaccinated, which won’t be too long because I work at a life science related company.
Welcome to the SMI family!
If you and your husband are already curious, you’re well on your way. First, be sure to talk about it – whether you are really OK with the other being with someone else. If the answer is yes, just go to Sea Mountain! You can even agree on the first visit just to enjoy your nakedness and watch others – that’s what we did – it was so hot, our sex together (and alone) was amazing! We even woke up early in tbe morning and decided we wanted to have sex at poolside (no one was there, but we knew someone might walk by).
Our second time, we got into the pool shortly after we arrived and literally bumped into the friendliest couple, who introduced us to 2 other couples. We laughed and talked and one guy asked my partner if he could touch her – she looked at me, I nodded and she said yes. His partner then swam up to me and we kissed. After a few minutes of all 8 of us caressing and kissing, one guy says “orgy in our room?”. And there we were, all of us in bed together! It seemed so natural to both of us!
We were there for a weekend, and the next night was a costume party. We brought sexy outfits and danced in the little night club for quite awhile, gradually losing our skimpy clothing and then jumping into the hot tub. There were quite a few people in it (25 or so) and my partner went crazy! As I watched her climb between 2 guys, I felt a hand around my cock and a friendly “Hi again” whispered into my ear! One of the women from the previous night had found me!
I’ve never felt so free and natural! I’m older (60s), and just average-looking. But there were plenty of men like me, and everyone was totally accepting.
During the day, we had normal conversations with people – news of the day, sports, movies, etc. The only difference was that we were naked!
We’ve been back 3 more times after that, each visit better than the previous time.
Bottom line, your visit will be what you make it. If you are open to new experiences, they will just happen naturally. And if you happen not to enjoy it as much as most visitors, at least you will know that you opened the door and peeked through! But I have great confidence that it will be one of the greatest experiences of your lives!
Hope to see you or hear about your trip should you decide to visit. Vaccinations and warmer weather just around the corner! And if you happen to see a slightly rotund older guy with a smokin’ hot blonde in her 40s, come say Hi and ask “Do you happen to be “Niceguy76″ on PlayAreas?”
Glad that you had such a great time! I have to go to Vegas on business this month so we’re going to spend a day/evening at OneLove. It has a bit of a different vibe (a little more mellow, that’s all), but still fantastic. It will be awhile before we can be as “free” in getting physically close to other visitors. I’ve read about breathalyzer-type instant tests being developed. It would be great to have an instant test available for any crowd-based activity, especially at places where you may be REALLY close physically like SMI and OneLove. In the mean time, it’s still an awesome place!
Always interested in connecting with other SMI’ers! We don’t go all that frequently (2-3 times a year) but we have always had the BEST time shedding our inhibitions – and our clothes. Have a great time during your July visit!
We had a great time on Saturday June 27! The place was jumping during the day – could barely move around in the pool hahaha – no social distancing going on, but we jumped in anyway. We went out to dinner around 6:30 and got back around 9pm. The place had thinned out quite a bit, but there were still 10 – 15 people in the jacuzzi all night, plus a handful of couples on the lounges, in the nightclub, and a few rooms with the doors open and lots of fun going on. We met several very friendly couples.
Lots of lovely couples, lots of shapes, all ages – one couple just graduated from college, another celebrating a 35th anniversary…
You’ll have to make your own decision how physically close you want to get to other guests – you should be able to distance if you want to (maybe the pool will be crowded for a few hours).
We ultimately decided to mostly watch, but party by ourselves. Other guests were very understanding when we told them that we weren’t ready to party together because of Covid. But the evening temperature was AWESOME and we made love under the stars at poolside :). We made it back to our room around 2am and the jacuzzi was still jumpin’…
I’m sure you’ll have a great time! Just plan your boundaries. If you’re ready to party with others, my feeling is that no one there was knowingly contagious. And if you’re not, we had lots of great conversation but 6 or so feet apart.
Have a great time! Post your experience here!
We were first-time visitors to SMI last year and made lots of friends within 10 minutes. It’s different right now because visitors are encouraged to only party with people they know, so if you have the opportunity to meet up beforehand and have confidence that it’s medically safe to have fun with that couple, then it might be a good idea. But we’re planning on visiting some time during the summer regardless – even if the partying is one-on-one, it’s a fantastic place to spend a day or two or three.